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Gastric Sleeve in Turkey is aimed at achieving patients’ satisfaction and improving their health.

Gastric Sleeve Turkey

Gastric Sleeve In Turkey Services

Gastric Balloon

1.5 billion of world population consists of overweight or obese persons. Many of the factors that effect the increasing ...

Gastric Band

Gastric Band, offering an alternative surgical treatment method for patients suffering from obesity...

Gastric Bypass

There are many surgical options that applicable for obesity patients and Gastric Bypass is one of them.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

Today, obesity is one of the most common diseases throughout the world and the number of obesity patients increases every single day. Causing health problems such as diabetics, high blood pressure in children, with more and more decreasing average of age, obesity is continuing to pose a threat as a very serious health problem ...

Transit Bipartition

Transit Bipartition in Turkey is the operation that enables some part of the intestine to provide another exit at the bottom of the stomach during the final phase of the surgery for patients that has undergone a sleeve gastrectomy. This operation is supposed to end the diabetics for patients suffering from diabetics.

Gastric Sleeve in Turkey is aimed at achieving patients’ satisfaction and improving their health.

Gastric Surgery Turkey


Gastric Sleeve Turkey Prices

Being an overweight person increase the possibility of encountering serious  diseases such as heart diseases, sleep apnea and Type- 2 diabetes alongside  dissatisfaction with your own body and it has a negative effect on you psychologically. Gastric Sleeve  is becoming one of the popular choices for weight loss in Turkey and all around the world and can be preferred as surgical option in many cases for the people who are not able to lose weight with diet and exercise.

Should I Have a Weight Loss Surgery?

If you are an adult who struggles with his/her weight, unable to lose weight with diet and exercise, gains more weight after every diet and turns into some kind of yo-yo, developed many different chronic diseases due to overweight over the years; it might be time for you to decide about Gastric Sleeve procedures.

There are many procedures that you can choose to lose weight including; Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Band, Gastric Bypass and Gastric Balloon. Along with these treatment options, because the surgery is done laparoscopically, compared to traditional weight loss surgeries, complication risks are reduced and post-surgery recovery and scars take less time to heal.

Of course, having a weight loss surgery is a big decision that you have to consider with your doctor’s help and observations. Procedures such as lying down to operation table, removing a part of your stomach in order to reduce its volume, staying away from solid foods after surgery and eating much less compared to pre-surgery might sound scary to many adults who struggle with obesity. Nonetheless, you should now that Gastric Sleeve is conducted very successfully, and post-surgery risks and complications are minimum in Turkey, Antalya.

There are risks, financial and medical issues that you should consider. Every patient may not be suitable for bariatric surgery. Your doctor is the one who decides if you are suitable candidate. You can decide with your doctor by answering these basic questions if Gastric surgery is the right path for your weight loss journey.

gastric surgery turkey

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Cost Turkey

There are few different Gastric Surgery procedures for the patients who choose bariatric surgery. Gastric Bypass, Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Band are the three common surgical types. There are mentioned procedures such as gastric balloon recently. During this procedure, an inflatable balloon is implanted in the stomach. There are many advantages and risks for every procedure in the scope of Gastric Surgery. Before you decide which one is the best for you, you have to have an information about every procedure.

Gastric Band

The procedure of implementing a band on top of the stomach. Volume of the stomach can be reduced with the help of an adjustable band.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

ig part of the stomach is removed and the rest of the stomach is turned into a small tube that looks like a banana. Because the big part of the stomach is removed, this operation is irreversible. However, because the stomach is an expanding organ, patient's portion consumption can be increased.

Gastric Bypass

Part of the stomach is used for creating a new stomach bag. This new stomach bag is tied with small intestine. This way the person's eating amount at one sitting is reduced. Also, because the absorption of the food stuff is slowed down, weight loss is ensured.

Gastric Balloon

It is a new procedure that is mentioned lately during the practices of Gastric Surgery. A balloon is implemented and filled with air in the stomach. This way the patient's stomach volume is reduced, and weight loss is ensured.
gastric sleeve surgery turkey about 1

As you can see above, bariatric surgery options are increasing day by day. All of them are more advantages compared to traditional methods that require an incision in the abdominal area. Gastric Sleeve Turkey Pricesis practiced laparoscopically by reducing the complication risks to minimum, after deciding what is best for the patient.  After deciding what is the best bariatric surgery and the operation is conducted, it is possible to fill with a lot smaller stomach with a lot smaller portion. At the beginning, situations such as tiredness and weakness can be seen at the patient due to reducing the calorie intake drastically. Yet, the person will get used to this new diet in a short period of time. It must be remembered that, in all the bariatric surgery practices, the stomach may expand and that is why the patient must choose a new and healthy diet. As we mentioned before, Gastric Surgery is not a miracle worker, and it is only the starting phase of the patient’s having a new body. After post-surgery, the key points to lose weight are, having a new diet, finding a right exercise plan and carrying out it for your whole life.

    Get a Free Quote

    For all appointments and inquiries, please call +90-542-520-8016, or fill out an appointment request form here. You may also email our office with any inquiries you may have using the email form at the bottom of the page. We are happy to hear from you.

    Helping Patients From Around the World!!

    Let us determine the most appropriate treatment method for you free of charge. Plan with our specialists you’re staying in Antalya, the vacation paradise in Turkey. 

    Combine your Gastric Sleeve, Gastric Bypass and Gastric Balloon with a short trip here in Antalya

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    Gastric Sleeve in Turkey

    Bariatric surgery, commonly referred to as gastric surgery, is a standard and successful weight loss procedure that can assist people who are obese in reaching their weight loss objectives. Turkey has become a well-liked location for bariatric surgery because of its top-notch medical facilities, skilled doctors, and reasonable gastric sleeve prices. That is why thousands of people have decided to have obesity treatment in Turkish medical centers.

    What Will a Surgeon Do During The Weight Loss Surgery?

    The patient is given general anesthesia, making them asleep and painless during the procedure. To access the stomach, the surgeon makes several tiny incisions in the abdomen.

    A laparoscope, a long, thin surgical tool with a camera attached to it, will then be used by the surgeon to inspect the interior of the abdomen. The surgeon will use the laparoscope to direct the surgical tools as they remove a significant amount of the stomach. The stomach’s removed portion is subsequently sealed off and expelled from the body.

    The stomach is first removed, then the remaining tissue is molded to resemble a sleeve. The surgeon will use surgical staples to seal the stomach and form a smaller stomach pouch. The stomach pouch’s size may change depending on the patient’s specific requirements and objectives.

    After forming the gastric sleeve, the surgeon will close the wounds using sutures or surgical adhesive. After the bariatric surgery, patients can rest in a recovery room, where they will be carefully watched for several hours to ensure they are stable and recovering from the operation successfully.

    gastric sleeve turkey

    How Does a Recovery Period Pass?

    The patient must adhere to the surgeon’s detailed postoperative instructions after the procedure. These guidelines could state:

    The surgeon will set up follow-up consultations to track the patient’s development and guarantee that they are healing appropriately. A team of medical experts, including a dietitian and a psychologist, will be available to the patient to aid in their efforts to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Why Turkey Is a Great Place To Have a Bariatric Sleeve Surgery?

    Due to its skilled and experienced surgeons, many of whom have trained in Europe or the United States, Turkey has become a well-known location for gastric sleeve surgery. Turkish surgeons employ cutting-edge methods and equipment to give patients the finest care possible. In addition, Turkey is home to numerous advanced, well-equipped clinics and hospitals focusing on bariatric surgery with a bit of gastric sleeve surgery cost.

    The price is another aspect that draws people to Turkey for gastric sleeve surgery. Turkey offers gastric sleeve surgery at a substantially lower price than other nations, including the US and Europe. While gastric sleeve cost varies from $15,000 to $25,000 or more in the US, it is often priced between $4,000 and $5,000 in Turkey. Due to the decreased expense, those who might not be able to afford the procedure in their native country now have more access to gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey.

    Regarding gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey, patients can expect high care and professionalism from their surgeon and medical team. And experienced surgeons at a medical center in Antalya, Turkey, are ready to help you. They use all their expertise to perform hundreds of operations yearly and satisfy patients with excellent results. Schedule an appointment to review your case and get a solution!

    gastric sleeve turkey